61. ask yourself, “what if it were easy?”

I tend to make certain things really hard in my mind. I tell myself “I’m not good with money” and “I’m not good enough at anything to make a career” and “I’m confused about my career” and these become true. these are my limiting beliefs.

The thing is, what feels impossible for you is easy for other people, and what other people find difficult is easy for you. Some people are terrified of socializing or struggle to throw stuff away. I don’t have those beliefs about myself.

How can I let go of my limiting beliefs?

1. What if it were easy? What would that look like?

What if it were easy to manage money? The answer becomes obvious: I’d be comfortable looking at my bank info and making plans to save and earn more money. Thinking about money would be a source of calm as I take inventory, set goals and look for opportunities.

I like this method because it’s so simple.

I saw it today flipping through a book called “You Can’t Screw This Up” which is about changing your diet without the impossible goals and constant shame. The idea came from Tim Ferriss who is all about this kinda stuff. I should probably check him out.

Method 2. redefine your relationship

I went to a money management class where the teacher asked us to define our relationship with money as if it were a dating relationship. soon after I went to a class about making schedules that had the same exercise. Many people related their relationships with time and money to toxic relationships: avoidant, distant, abusive and nagging.

Both of the people teaching these courses encouraged us to redefine the relationship. Consider how to be more loving and creative and positive - basically how to stop feeding this negative cycle. 

“You are all animators,” said the teacher, “that means you are probably patient, creative and look at references. So bring that energy into your relationship with money. Define the relationship on your own terms. Not your parents or your boss or your partner! Come up with a relationship that works for you.”

Method 3. flip the words around and see if that’s true

This exercise is called The Work, from Byron Katie’s book Loving What Is.

It asks you to reverse the statement and question if it’s true. The human brain gets very stuck on certain ideas, by slowly chewing on it in different ways we are able to loosen our thoughts and see different perspectives.

“I am confused about my career” is a limiting belief I’ve been struggling with.

Is it true? 

Sorta, yeah. I feel like I want to be happy as a creator but I don’t know if there is money in this path. I don’t know if I’m okay settling into another path like barista or even video editor for some big company. I don’t want to let go of this dream.

Can you absolutely know it’s true?

Well, I think it’s not quite true. I’m not confused about my career, I’m quite clear on what I want to do. I’m just not confident I can earn a living doing it. The confusion comes from a mess of thoughts about what value matters most to me.

How does it feel to let go of this thought?

Extremely relieving. I feel a strength rising as I let go of the feeling like I’m a failure or the world is unfair. I feel positivity that even if it’s not earning me enough money yet, this path feels right. Animation, music, comedy and writing are not four confused paths, it is one clear path that is finding it’s form.

Who or what would you be without the thought?

Without the confusion I would be clear. I would be effective with my time and excited to launch projects out into the world. I’d let go of small distractions and have less bad days. I’d be clear on who I am and what I have to do.

Damn this helps.

© Jeremy Nir
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