41. make bigger pictures!

Just went to TAIS Film Fest (Toronto Animated Image Society)

It was so GREAT. and inspiring and omg affordable.

the main things I learned are:

1. I found my people as an indie filmmaker and experimental animator!

2. Making a film for screen involves embracing a bigger canvas. STORY and SOUND

so this Monday at 7 there’s an artist’s talk. I want to get involved with TAIS! I met such cool people and saw such cool films.

  • Sound Design is Crucial: Focus on creating a compelling audio experience
  • Embrace Messiness with Real Materials: Don’t shy away from using tangible, real-world materials for a unique and authentic touch.
  • Plan for Big Screens: Consider the impact of your animation on a large screen, ensuring your visuals translate effectively to a broader audience.
  • Tracing and Scanning Techniques: Explore the creative possibilities of tracing and scanning in your animation process.
  • Mixed Media Exploration: Experiment with combining various mediums for a dynamic and engaging animated film.
  • Utilize Real Vocals: Incorporate authentic vocal elements into your animation to enhance its realism.
  • Explore Perspective Shifts: Play with perspective shifts to add depth and interest to your storytelling.
  • Craft a Story: Tell a narrative, balancing randomness with authenticity, and consider incorporating unconventional elements like weird doors.
  • Stop Motion Impact: Explore the cool potential of stop-motion techniques in your animated film.
  • Take Your Films Seriously: Approach your projects with a serious mindset, recognizing their potential to reach theater stages.
  • Remember the power of water and glass sound effects,
  • utilize super close-ups,
  • storyboard weird ideas but feel free to go off script
  • infuse humor through funny, contrasting characters and ridiculous cause-and-effect scenarios.
  • Explore the advice from artists
  • don’t forget the importance of writing in animation
  • Lastly, dare to be expressive, don’t just imitate life but dance with your animations, and aim to create something big and impactful.

People i met:

- stop motion guy who loves story beats @wallymation

- indie artist animator who feels like I do! shunny @seayawn

- constant, an organizer of the community! @yawnstant

- organizer and design focused animator @gustavo_c

© Jeremy Nir
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